
GLOCAL 2.0 Conference, Skopje – Blogging: Evolution Treated as Revolution


Blogging: Evolution Treated as Revolution

May 8-10, 2008

New York University Skopje

Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

The International Conference Glocal 2.0: Blogging: Evolution Treated as Revolution invites researchers and practitioners (bloggers) for a discussion and analysis, as well as for sharing thoughts and experiences on the emerging networked society we live in.

We invite you to submit a paper proposal in the proposed areas of interest:

1. Blogging and Journalism
2. The information flow within the blogosphere
3. Topical clusters in the blogosphere
1. Topical blogs – sports, culinary, politics, etc.
2. PR blogs and blogs in education
4. Citizen journalism in the (g)local framework
5. Forms and consequences of emerging social software practices
6. The political impact of social software
7. Blogosphere vs. Mediasphere
8. Semantic Web (knowledge management, crowdsourcing)
9. Blogs and public opinion
10. Workshop(s) – Step by step blogging

Important dates

* Abstract submission: December 23, 2007
* Abstract acceptance: January 20, 2008
* Paper submission: April 15, 2008
* Conference: May 8-10, 2008

Details: http://glocalconference.wordpress.com/

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