
Kako da se drugačije digitalno predstavite: Usvojite kreativnost i inovativnost

Da li ste primetili da većina kompanija koristi iste metode za digitalno predstavljanje svojih ponuda? Ovaj pristup donosi određene rezultate, ali vodi ka jednoličnosti i slabijem angažovanju publike.

Kako da se izdvojite i budete prepoznatljivi?

Odgovor leži u drugačijem razmišljanju – kreativnost i inovativnost u svakom aspektu vaših digitalnih aktivnosti. Kroz jednostavne korake koje predstavljam, možete postići veću prepoznatljivost, bolje rezultate i dublju povezanost sa vašom publikom. Ovaj blog post predstavlja model inovativnog tržišnog pozicioniranja (Innovative Market Positioning Model) koji koristim u svom konsultantskom radu. On pomaže mojim klijentima, od... Opširnije »

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Dragan Varagic
Dragan Varagic

BeeShaper.com Case Sudy: Client’s and Shaper’s perspective

It’s been a while since I decided to write a case study of the BeeShaper.com WoM network, since I have been using it from the start, eight months now. The motive to write it right now is recent announcement that BeeShaper reached 10.000 registered users and confirmed it was the largest regional network of its kind.

What is the WoM network?

WoM is short for Word of Mouth. It is a promotion technique that ensures mass message sharing by people who honestly recommend to others something they find genuinely interesting. One of the main goals of social media use is achieving WoM effect – that users, on their own initiative – share the content they find useful and compelling. In... Read more »

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