Na osnovu potvrdjene informacije iz krugova bliskih procesu privatizacije Vojvodjanske banke, pobednik na privatizacionom tenderu jeste Nacionalna banka Grčke sa ponudom od 410 miliona EUR. Ovom kupovinom grčke banke poseduju oko 27 odsto bankarskog tržišta u Srbiji.
Interesantan je podatak da je ovaj sajt prvi objavljuje ovu informaciju u odnosu na bilo koji klasični i Internet medijum u Srbiji i Grčkoj.
National Bank of Greece is the winner on the tender of the privatisation of the Vojvodjanska Bank, the fifth largest bank in Serbia, according to internal sources connected with the privatisation of Vojvodjanska Bank. With this aquisition Greek banks take about 27 percent of the Serbian banking market.
The interesting info about this news is that this site is the first medium who published it, comparing to all classic and Internet media in Greece and in Serbia.
Vojvodjanska banka prodata Grckoj nacionalnoj banci / Vojvodjanska bank is sold to National Bank of Greece,