Pregledao sam malo po domacem Webu i nisam bas uspeo da pronadjem pricu o jednoj klinki o kojoj bruji Net poslednjih godinu dana, a s vremena na vreme i veoma ozbiljni mediji – Cory Kennedy.

Procitao sam danas u Politici članak na temu munjevite popularnosti ove sesnaestogodisnje devojke, koja ima nekoliko interesantnih darova sto su joj omogucili svetsku (Internet) slavu:
1. Fotogenicna je (tako bar kazu)
2. Dobro se oblaci (tako bar kazu)
3. Naletela je na uticajnog (Web) fotografa na osnovu 1. i 2.
Interesantan je put kojim je dosla do toga da se o njoj puno pise (i prica)…:
How to Be Famous — Fast: Case Cory Kennedy
June 2005: Fifteen-year-old Cory Kennedy, wearing a coveted yellow mini-dress, goes to see the Blood Brothers at the El Rey Theatre. Gets noticed by photographer Mark Hunter, the Cobra Snake.
January 2006: Hunter posts photo of Cory smooching with one of the Kings of Leon. Cory becomes Hunter’s girlfriend. More parties, more pictures. Mom insists Cory and Hunter spend more time at her house, where she can keep an eye on them.
February 2006: Cory turns 16; fans of, reacting to photos of Cory on the website, wonder who she is. A fashion blogger calls her a “gem” and marvels, “I can’t take my eyes off of her.” A reader responds by directing the blogger to an all-Cory fan site developed by someone in the Netherlands.
March 2006: Hunter notices that his Web traffic jumps every time Cory’s picture is posted. They decide to make her a fashion star.
April 2006: Cory visits New York with her parents. Hunter meets her there and they visit the editor of Nylon magazine, who asks her to come back to have her picture taken. Her parents are happy she’s happy, but have no idea what Nylon magazine is.
June 2006: Nylon publishes a full page of Cory photos. At Urban Outfitters in Westwood, people gape at her as if she’s a star. Internet chatter intensifies.
July 2006: The New York Times mentions Cory in an article on interns. Her mother wonders whether Cory as Internet celebrity is bigger than she’d realized.
August 2006: Fans hack Cory’s MySpace page. She starts a new one and launches a blog. By month’s end, typical items include an account of a P. Diddy party.
September 2006: A video of Cory listening to a Good Charlotte song becomes a cult favorite on YouTube. She and Hunter split, and she starts staying out late with celebrities. Her parents become alarmed.
Nisam iz te fashion et. al. price, ali je ceo njen “slucaj” svakako interesantan. Pa ko voli…
Cory Kennedy - e-celebrity case,
Kad bi neko jos preveo na srpski, bilo bi odlicno.
Nov sam, pa da se javim… Pratim inače tvoj blog od kad sam slučajno prije par mjeseci naletio na njega 😀