
Online PR Digg.com Alike Service – NewPR

"New PR is a news site where users submit articles and the readers choose which stories make the headlines." This sentence can be read on all pages of NewPR service, web site related to subject of online PR, with the focus on PR 2.0. There are really interesting articles, but my impression is that there are not enough participants who submit and vote for the best online PR related news, or new articles. Due to spam attacks, there is the delay in publishing new articles, and at some time it takes several days from the moment article is submitted. If you are interested in the field of Public Relations on Internet, I recommend to use this service, both to inform yourself, as well as...
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Author: Dragan Varagić, 03/05/2007

Coca Cola Social Network & Loyalty Sales Promotion in Serbia

I was invited to be the professional guest at Coca Cola Serbia press conference, which was held in Belgrade, 04-29-2007. My role on the press briefing was to say my opinion about the importance of its social networking service, as well as the loyalty program, which combines sales promotion (buying Coca Cola products to have more points for a variety of gifts), and fostering social networking activity through points per quality participation (soon it will be implemented). It is obvious when the actual data about Internet penetration and use in Serbia is seen, that the development of complex online services (online business models) is still in early stages. From the mentioned context,...
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Author: Dragan Varagić, 02/05/2007

Seven Tips to Sustain Online Influence?

As time goes, there are more and more newcomers in the world of online influencers. Those people were completely anonymous one or two years ago, and they suddenly become famous and trustworthy. This article is not about how to achieve online influence (you can read very good article from Steve Rubel, or advices to get blogged from TechCrunch), but how to sustain it. I talked several times with the people who are influencers for a long time, and we agreed that new online influencers (especially young people), are more or less successful in the life with a lot of popularity and influence. It is the fact that a person who is in the position to have an influence on some people, that...
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Author: Dragan Varagić, 25/04/2007

Google completes Advertising OS

It is said several times in the past, like Owen Thomas said it these days for Google's acquisition of DoubleClick, that Google creates Advertising Operating System, similar what Eric Schmidt said in Wired interview. The platform which unites AdWords, AdSense, Radio/TV/print ads, and now DoubleClick, is definitely something relating to Advertising OS. In my opinion the battle between Microsoft, Yahoo and Google will continue (the war is not over), but there is a place for smaller "Advertising OS"(several ones), still.
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Author: Dragan Varagić, 17/04/2007

Private Label Rights (PLR) Re-invented

Private Label Rights (PLR) is the variation of Private Label brand concept, which is extended to written text. Private label products or services are typically those manufactured or provided by one company for offer under another company's brand. The famous examples of Private Label are Wal-Mart brands, as the lower-cost alternatives to name brand products. Private Label Rights allow you to change anything about the written text (labeled with that kind of rights), so that you effectively make it your own work. This is the similar concept to Ghost Writing, accept it is not a custom to re-write something that professional writer did for you. PLR is very actual these days, because the rise...
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Author: Dragan Varagić, 16/04/2007
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