
Advertising Revenue Model Strategy: Customer Engagement & Cost per Influence

In last three years, beginning with Ross Mayfield’s introduction with the term Cost per Influence (CPI), there is still the need for “practical and meaningful standard of measuring a websites true the value from an advertisers perspective�.

One of the problems lies in the fact that a lot of money is spent in order to have measurable results in online advertising, but it is not a case in general, only some advertisers achieve a really good ratio between ad placements, no. of ads served and actual results, with the fair (sustainable) price for an ad campaign.

When it is talked about a bunch of lost ad impressions on variety of online locations, in order to have achieved ad campaign results, Web site owners with advertising revenue model should start seriously to think about how to optimize their Web sites to achieve satisfied results for their real customers – advertisers (customer satisfaction for both, web site visitors and advertisers). One of the best results for now, in my opinion, is Deck advertising network.

Customer Engagement & Cost per Influence

Very good Online Customer Engagement Report by E-consultancy and cScape can be the starting point for the ways how to optimize your web site in order to have:

  1. Satisfied Web site visitors
  2. Satisfied Advertisers

To have satisfied Web site visitors and advertisers, the optimization starts with the implementation of the results from the measurement of customer experience, customer satisfaction findings and customer loyalty measurements.

For the majority of Web sites, the implementation of findings related to previous measurements will imply big changes in online content, with the aim to:

  1. Engage influencers in your field to participate with the comments, suggestions, etc.
  2. Have the content which will be cited on other Web sites.
  3. Produce less ad spaces and less selected ads, related to the real interest of particular Web site visitor.
  4. Find out how to have an ad as real information, not just another ad.
  5. In order to do this, you probably have to rearrange complete online business workflow!

Those changes can result with a very good start of Cost-per-Influence revenue model, regardless of no. of visitors, no. of page/ad impressions, etc. 100 of real customers for advertiser worth much more than your 100.000 visitors, and no customers for advertiser.

In my opinion, these thoughts should be the online marketing trend for 2008.

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