
XPRL – Public Relations XML

I read the article from Emerald archive, and I stumbled upon the reference from the xprl.org Web site. Some blog posts about XPRL can be found here.

Definition:XPRL (Extensible Public Relations Language) is an open specification for an XML-based language being developed for the public relations sector. XPRL is similar to the Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), but more specific to public relations applications. The aim of the U.K.-based XPRL initiative group is to standardize the way that industry-specific computer data is stored and shared over the Internet. According to the XPRL Steering Group, the new schema-based markup language will benefit not only public relations professionals, but anyone dealing with that business sector, including journalists, content aggregators, and public relations management.”

This is one of the online news release standards, such as hRelease and NewsML. Who will win we will see.

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