I was invited to be the professional guest at Coca Cola Serbia press conference, which was held in Belgrade, 04-29-2007. My role on the press briefing was to say my opinion about the importance of its social networking service, as well as the loyalty program, which combines sales promotion (buying Coca Cola products to have more points for a variety of gifts), and fostering social networking activity through points per quality participation (soon it will be implemented).
It is obvious when the actual data about Internet penetration and use in Serbia is seen, that the development of complex online services (online business models) is still in early stages.
From the mentioned context, it can be seen that the launch of Coca Cola online services is very important for the local internet penetration issues (a lot of online newcomers will use Internet to get gifts), as well as increased business attention (if Coca Cola use complex online business models there has to be the reason for it).
This issue is important in Serbia due to further development of quality online services, which is expected late this year, and next year will be the tipping point of online business benefits in Serbia.
One month ago, I did the similar job for Diners International Serbia, at the press conference about the launch of the first online payment gateway which accepts international card (Diners online service). This event fostered the appearance of other card-based online payment gateway services in Serbia (VISA, MasterCard, local DinaCard enabled services).