
Brutal Force of the Influential Bloggers! Do You have a good Comments Experience With Them?

Yesterday, I thought that it would be interesting to find out how the most influential bloggers related to e-marketing and online PR subject, perceive "conversations" on their own blogs. In other words, is it easy to post the comment on their blogs, and what are the benefits of posting comments on the most influential blogs. Today, I read the article "Who Are The Top Tech Bloggers?" from TechCrunch, and now I want to cover subjects - Who are the most influential bloggers, and how they interact with their users/site visitors. I am using as example only a several of the most influential bloggers, and you can extend this "observation" by your own opinions (please do). Who is missing? ...
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Author: Dragan Varagić, 21/04/2008

Social Media Optimization and the Brand/Reputation Management

This article is about how to put the brand positioning (brand awareness and brand recognition) in the context of online reputation management and social media optimization activities. In addition, there is the separation of SMO activities on the technical and communication level of online engagement. To achieve the strategic approach for the implementation of social media optimization (SMO), there is a need for the framework through which will be possible to facilitate the activities, related to online the reputation management strategy and its implementation in a social media optimization activities. This framework should be done in the accordance with the desired image sent by an...
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Author: Dragan Varagić, 19/04/2008

Is SEO Business More Than 90 Percent the Publicity Business?

Scott Hendison have a very interesting article about current state of link building, and he actually talks about that the best SEO technique is – publicity! It is not a SEO business anymore, and it was not ever. From the time Google came on the spot, there was the three part SEO business practice: on-site optimization (HTML/URL code optimization, text optimization) and off-site optimization. The best results with the text optimization and the off-site optimization (link building) is always done the best with the people who have the publicity creation knowledge. It means that the best SEO practice is about more than 90 percent the publicity business, and it is more and more...
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Author: Dragan Varagić, 14/04/2008

Study: Communications Professionals on New Influensers and Theirs PR Profession Impact

The study "New Media, New Influencers and Implications for the Public Relations Profession" was conducted by a team of Fellows of the Society for New Communications Research, from September 2007 - November 2007. Survey Methodology and Sample The population of interest was “social media power users,” i.e., communications professionals with a deep knowledge and heavy usage pattern of social media tools including blogs, podcasts, online video,social networks, and other new and emerging communications tools and technologies. Of those organizations surveyed, 78% use blogs, 63% use online video, 56% use social networks and 49% use podcasts in their organization’s...
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Author: Dragan Varagić, 02/04/2008

Value Added Social Media Release

Last days, when I search for Social Media Releases (Technorati.com tag search for SMR, SMPR, SMNR...), I find more and more (let's say it) not good articles about this issue (hype, buzz). Although there are great basic articles about SMR (e.g. Brian Solis is my favourite - he should create the e-book about it), I agree with Brian Oberkirch, Stowe Boyd, Todd Defren, and others (old posts, but still fresh), that there is a long road for the better use of SMR.  When you look some SMR examples (there are some very ineresting cases, like Ford SMR series), you can see the links for Del.icio.us, Technorati.com, Digg.com (...) searches; and it is very hard to...
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Author: Dragan Varagić, 25/03/2008
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