
Human-Computer Interaction Journal

A Journal of Theoretical, Empirical, and Methodological Issues of User Science and of System Design

An interdisciplinary journal reporting on and helping to define the issues that challenge researchers in a rapidly growing field, Human-Computer Interaction publishes theoretical, empirical, and methodological articles on user psychology and computer system design as it affects the user.

Human-Computer Interaction (Impact Factor of 4.682*) ranks #1 of 18 in the Computer Science, Cybernetics category and #2 of 71 in the Computer Science, Theory & Methods category in the Thomson Scientific 2005 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition.
* Copyright Thomson Scientific 2005 Journal Citation Reports®

Ili kako bi se reklo, ovaj casopis se tretira kao drugi najuticajniji casopis u kompjuterskim naukama, odmah posle casopisa MIS Quarterly.

Pregledao sam malo tekstove… Puuuuno teorije, bez po meni ocigledne primenljivosti.

Primer: Casopis br. 21 vol 3, septembar 2006.

1. Communication via Videoconference: Emotional and Cognitive Consequences of Affective Personality Dispositions, Seeing One’s Own Picture, and Disturbing Events.
2. Collective Information Practice: Exploring Privacy and Security as Social and Cultural Phenomena.

Ovaj broj ima samo dva clanka, iako u nekim prethodnim ima i po 12 clanaka.

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